Turn your ideas into code fast and easy
Quick start - install and use
- All you need to do - install, start the chat
- No need to set up infrastructure
- No additional deployment
For all your needs
- Generate code, docs, scripts, drafts with built-in hints and explanation
- Create unit-tests and test data at any time
- Recommendations for refactoring and optimization
Hot-key generation
- Use Ctrl + Shift + Q to generate all you need
- Use the context or not, it's up to you
- Fast and easy to use
AI-powered chat-bot
- Fast code generation for all your needs
- Explanation for any question
- Access your chat history at any time
All this is for the language you choose
Choose the language you want, and if anything happens, Codax will convert your code to another one
and more...
Purchase options
Get unlimited access.
- Monthly subscription by number of users
- No additional resources are required - the plugin uses Cloud Axenix
- Monthly subscription by number of users
- The solution is deployed on the User's servers
Dev AI Transformation
- Monthly subscription by number of users
- Assistance in implementing code generation practices in the company's IT department
- Monitoring the effectiveness of the application